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Uniform and Equipment

Harborne Academy Uniform

We want our students to take pride in their appearance and in their school.

Students are expected to wear full school uniform in accordance with the school rules; this means shirts should be tucked in, top shirt buttons should be done up and ties should be worn to the waist. All items can be obtained from Clive Mark. We recognise that purchasing uniform can be a difficult expense and we have a fully stocked pre-loved uniform shop. If you have any concerns regarding uniform, please contact us at and we will support you.

The Academy uniform includes:Uniform

  • Harborne Academy blazer with academy logo to be worn at all times in the school building unless directed otherwise by staff
  • White shirt
  • Black tailored trousers or black skirt (no denim, no leggings, no jeans)
  • Harborne Academy tie
  • Harborne Academy jumper with academy logo (optional)
  • Plain black leather shoes (no canvas footwear or trainers)
  • Plain grey, black or white socks or plain black tights
  • Religious plain black, white or grey headscarf

PE kit:

  • Black polo shirt with academy logo
  • Black/purple outdoor rugby shirt with academy logo (optional)
  • Purple shorts (or plain black)
  • Purple socks (or plain black)CM address
  • Trainers with laces
  • Football boots (optional)
  • Towel (optional)
  • Mouth guard (optional)
  • Separate bag for kit
  • All above kit can be purchased from Clive Mark

Personal Appearance

The academy wants students to develop a healthy sense of personal pride in their appearance, but has some rules regarding what is acceptable in the school environment. This means the following are not allowed:

  • Facial jewellery (one nose stud permissible – no hoops)
  • Hooped earrings (stud earrings only)
  • Footless tights
  • Bandannas
  • False nails that pose a health and safety hazard or prevent a student from engaging in their lessons
  • Outdoor wear (e.g. coats, hats, scarves) inside the building
  • Pouches/ Small over the body bags


Students should attend school with an appropriately sized school bag and the following equipment every day:

  • Two black or blue pens
  • A pencil
  • A green pen
  • A ruler

Students might also find the following equipment useful, but class teachers will provide these when essential:

  • A glue stick
  • Coloured pencils
  • A scientific calculator
  • Highlighters
  • A pencil sharpener
  • An eraser

For health and safety reasons, please ensure that you are not carrying a compass or scissors. These will be provided by class teachers when needed.

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