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Curriculum Leader of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) |
Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) |
Teacher of Spanish (Maternity Cover) |
Contacting the department
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the MFL department by leaving a message with Reception or by emailing our enquiry address.
We aim to respond to phone calls and emails as quickly as possible, and certainly within 48 hours. Please bear in mind that members of staff may have a day of teaching and may not be able to respond to non-urgent matters until the end of the Academy day or the following Academy day.
By telephone: 0121-464 2737 (main school switchboard)
By email: enquiry@harborneacademy.co.uk
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Why study another language?
At Harborne Academy, we believe that the study of a foreign language not only provides our students with useful transferrable skills which are fast becoming essential in a modern and highly competitive world, but it also gives them a liberating and life-enhancing experience, which adds breadth to their cultural, social and linguistic knowledge and skills.
At Harborne Academy, French and Spanish are taught throughout KS3 and KS4. Students are introduced to both languages in Year 7 and at the end of that year, they make the choice between the two languages to continue studying in Year 8 and beyond.
KS3 French and Spanish
In KS3, students will develop key skills and the linguistic knowledge which will set them up for success in tackling the challenges of GCSE languages. Throughout their second and third years of study, students will further enhance their linguistic skills in topics linked closely to the GCSE course, giving a solid foundation for further study.
Year 7 – Discovery of languages
There are three French classes and two Spanish classes each year. The language that students study will depend on which teaching group they are placed in when they begin Year 7.
In Year 7, students study the following themes in French or Spanish:
- School subjects and opinions
- Sports
- Family and descriptions
- Body and illness
- Food and drink
Y8 – Foundational language
Students continue their studies to build a strong foundation of knowledge to begin the journey of becoming conversational in the language.
In Year 8, students study the following themes in French or Spanish:
- Preferences
- Free time: film/TV/music
- Technology
- Home and city
- Festivals
Y9 – Emergent language
Having built a foundation of linguistic knowledge during Year 8, throughout Year 9 students develop their emerging linguistic skills, demonstrating their increasing ability to adapt and manipulate language to communicate what is required.
In 2024-2025, Year 9 students study the following themes in French or Spanish:
- Technology
- School, future studies and careers
- Free time: film/TV/music
- Healthy living
- Transactional language
Our KS3 curriculum aims to provide students with the knowledge required to underpin the demands of the GCSE course at KS4 whilst also appealing to the desire to be able to communicate effectively in the target language. Our curriculum takes every opportunity to provide students with the transactional language they might need in various situations when communicating with French/Spanish speakers as well as highlighting the benefits and opportunities that languages can bring to future study and career paths.
During Year 9, students participate in the pathways process and all students are offered the opportunity to continue their studies in French or Spanish at GCSE in Years 10 and 11. Students are given guidance on what to think about when making this choice, such as future career aspirations as well as ambitions arising from personal interests.
KS4 French and Spanish - Developing linguists
Languages are a popular options subject at Harborne Academy that provide students the opportunity to foster a deeper understanding of the language and culture across the French- and Spanish-speaking world.
Year 10
Year 10 are studying the new specification for first exams in summer 2026.
The GCSE course is in the context of three themes, which are taught over the course of the two years to allow students to apply their growing grammatical understanding and vocabulary knowledge in a systematic and progressive way:
- People and lifestyle
- Popular culture
- Communication and the world around us
Topics within the themes are taught in the following order across Year 10 and 11:
Year 10:
- Media and technology (Theme 3)
- Free time activities (Theme 2)
- Education and work (Theme 1)
- Travel and tourism (Theme 3)
- Customs, festivals and celebrations (Theme 2)
- Healthy living and lifestyle (Theme 1)
Year 11:
- Identity and relationships with others (Theme 1)
- The environment and where people live (Theme 3)
- Celebrity culture (Theme 1)
Year 11
Year 11 are studying the legacy GCSE specification for final exams in 2025.
The GCSE course is in the context of three themes, which are taught over the course of the two years to allow students to apply their growing grammatical understanding and vocabulary knowledge in a systematic and progressive way:
- Identity and culture
- Global, national, international and global areas of interest
- Current and future study and employment
Topics and themed are studied in the following order:
Topics within the themes are taught in the following order across Year 10 and 11:
Year 10:
- Me, my family and friends (Theme 1)
- Technology in everyday life (Theme 1)
- Free time activities (Theme 1)
- Customs and festivals (Theme 1)
- Home, town, neighbourhood and region (Theme 2)
- Travel and tourism – part 1 (Theme 2)
Year 11:
- Travel and tourism – part 2 (Theme 2)
- My studies and life at school (Theme 3)
- Education post-16 and jobs, careers choices and future ambitions (Theme 3)
- Social issues (Theme 2)
- Global issues (Theme 2)
KS3 Learning Roadmaps
Key Stage 3
Year 9
KS4 Learning Roadmaps
Key Stage 4
Year 11
Exam Information
Exam board
We follow the AQA GCSE 9-1 specification in languages. For further information about the GCSE courses, please follow the links below:
French: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/french-8658
Spanish: https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/languages/gcse/spanish-8698
Exam Information
We use the AQA GCSE 9-1 specifications in languages. For further information about the GCSE course, please follow the links below:
Year 10 French: AQA | Languages | GCSE | French
Year 10 Spanish: AQA | Languages | GCSE | Spanish
Year 11 French: AQA | Languages | GCSE | French
Year 11 Spanish: AQA | Languages | GCSE | Spanish
There are 4 papers for GCSE French and Spanish, each focusing on one of the four key languages skills.
- Listening (25%)
- Speaking (25%)
- Reading (25%)
- Writing (25%)
Students will be entered at either foundation or higher tier for all four skills – it is not permitted to be entered for a mixture of tiers across the four assessed skills. All four skills are terminally assessed at the end of the course in Year 11.
Careers Information
Languages are widely considered a key skill in the current labour market, lending themselves to almost any career. The wide range of transferable skills learned during language acquisition can be used to gain careers in global companies in any sector. There has never been as much need to gain these skills that give an edge as there is today in the current competitive labour market.
Being fluent in another language is not always a pre-requisite for career opportunities. Data shows that employees able to offer even basic skills in another language are more likely to be awarded opportunities for career progression than employees that do not.
Please follow this link to see an example of the wide range of potential career paths for language learners and advice on how to enter those professions: Jobs that use Modern Foreign Languages
MFL events
We have recently been involved in the European Day of Languages that was a wonderful event celebrating the importance of different languages and cultures in today’s world. Students took place in inter-form competitions, individual quizzes and the incredible cultural dress. We also look at celebrations from around the world, such as Day of the Dead in November and Mardi Gras!
Extra-curricular opportunities
We celebrate traditions of French and Spanish speaking countries throughout the year, such as the French Fête de la Musique in June and the Mexican Día de los Muertos in November. We also arrange a series of activities for European Day of Languages on September 26th each year to highlight and celebrate the wide range of languages spoken within our school community. It is important to us to honour the various cultural values and traditions held by our students and their families.
We organise a range of trips throughout the year, including very popular restaurant visits where students are able to put their language skills to good use by ordering their meals in French or Spanish. Each year we take a small group of Year 8 students to watch a play performed by Onatti, hosted by the OAKS collegiate.
Furthermore, we promote activities and competitions run by Routes into Languages West Midlands that encourage our students to demonstrate their linguistic ability both locally and nationally.
Enrichment Opportunities
In languages, students are provided the opportunity to enter GCSEs in their home language, on the proviso that they are competent in reading and writing. Full support is provided to prepare for the exams.
Links have been developed with the Languages departments at both Aston University and the University of Birmingham and we aim to provide opportunities for students to gain insight into languages at further study as well as the place of languages in modern society.
We endeavour to organise a range of trips for students at various points during the school year, including cinema trips to view a French or Spanish language film, restaurant experiences and, where possible, residential trips to France and Spain.
Useful Resources
Useful online resources to extend classroom learning
A vocabulary learning platform that teaches and tests vocabulary based on a wide variety of topics, themes and grammar. An account needs to be created, but the platform is free to use.
A comprehensive resource that presents vocabulary and grammar to help students consolidate their understanding of what they are learning in lessons.
A platform that provides students the opportunity to reinforce and extend their knowledge in French linked to what they are learning in class. Free to use 4pm to 9am on weekdays and all weekend.
A platform that provides students the opportunity to reinforce and extend their knowledge in Spanish linked to what they are learning in class. Free to use 4pm to 9am on weekdays and all weekend.
Online vocabulary and grammar tasks to support classroom learning. Particularly useful if students have missed a lesson for any reason.
For GCSE exam past papers
Reading Lists