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EAL Co-ordinator |
Contacting the department
If you have any questions or concerns about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the EAL department by leaving a message with Reception or by emailing our enquiry address.
We aim to respond to phone calls and emails as quickly as possible, and certainly within 48 hours. Please bear in mind that members of staff may have a day of teaching and may not be able to respond to non-urgent matters until the end of the Academy day or the following Academy day.
By telephone: 0121-464 2737 (main school switchboard)
By email: enquiry@harborneacademy.co.uk
Please click the tabs below to expand for more information
EAL students
We have a large number of students at Harborne Academy that speak English as an additional language (EAL). On average we have 30+ different languages spoken in school.
As a school we are committed to making appropriate provisions of teaching and resources to assist EAL students. We aim to identify individual student’s needs, recognise the skills they bring to the school and ensure equality of access to the curriculum.
We aim:
- To enable EAL students to access the curriculum and reach their full potential.
- To provide support for EAL students according to their needs.
- To work in partnership with parents/carers, students and where necessary, outside agencies, to achieve these aims.
EAL programme
Newly arrived EAL students will first be assessed on their command of the English language. From this it will be decided whether they join mainstream lessons or join our EAL programme.
- This is for newly arrived students with an EAL code of A1 to B3
- An intensive programme that focuses on phonics, vocabulary, reading & writing
- This is for students assessed at code B4 to C5
- 3 morning sessions a week that focus on reading and understanding, writing and grammar
- This is for students assessed at code C6 to D7
- 1 morning session a week focusing on grammar and vocabulary
The students’ level of English is identified with reference to the Dfe proficiency levels (see below). A newly arrived student will be placed in the correct group from their initial assessment.
The school aims to set appropriate targets for individual students. These targets are recorded on an EAL tracker and are reviewed on a regular basis. Every focused task they complete, independently, is marked against the EAL codes. As soon as a student achieves a new code they will move to the group above, or receive no intervention once they reach code D7.
Learning Roadmap
During school closure, students can access material from these websites to work independently or complete set tasks that have been issued on ‘show my homework’.
Useful Resources
Useful links and resources