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Curriculum Overview

Harborne Academy Curriculum Intent 

At Harborne Academy, we intend to provide our students with the best start in life regardless of any barriers they may face. Our intent is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum, which is underpinned by the National Curriculum, for as long as possible to all of our students. We have adapted elements of our schemes of work to take into account the recovery following the pandemic and celebrate the local context so our students are proud of Birmingham and its diverse heritage. We believe our curriculum will make a difference to our students and who they become in the future, therefore we work hard to provide them all with skills, knowledge, and enriched experiences in order for them to make positive contributions to the community and society they are a part of. 

As an academy, we have taken our time to review our curriculum to ensure it’s the best fit for our students. Curriculum Leaders have worked tirelessly to ensure topics are appropriately sequenced and challenging for our students while building on their skills base through each scheme of work. Each subject area has a curriculum map which maps out the subject’s provision across the five years students will be at Harborne Academy. -click here

In Year 7 we offer students a bespoke English Plus curriculum, which is project based and incorporates English and History. Further to this, all students in KS3 study English, maths, science, geography, history, information technology, design technology, MFL, drama, music, religious education, and physical education. In Year 9 students will begin to explore their KS4 options choices and are able to select 4 non-core GCSE subjects to study in Years 10 and 11. A wide range of GCSE and vocational subjects are offered including: triple science, geography, history, design technology, sports studies, health and social care, business, art, music, drama, food technology, French, Spanish, religious education, and iMedia. Students are guided through lengthy discussions, taster sessions, and careers advice from our in-house Careers Advisor. This allows them to select subjects they are passionate about and will give them the stepping stones for their futures.  

The pastoral curriculum at Harborne Academy aims to allow students to develop their characters through a variety of tutor time lessons and activities. Weekly PSHE themes broaden students’ horizons about the world around them through discussion and debate within their tutor groups. Further to this, we have collapsed PSHE days to ensure all students are able to access information regarding the three core strands: health and wellbeing, relationships, and living in the wider world. As part of our commitment to ensuring students are prepared for their futures, we have an effective careers programme covering all elements of the Gatsby Benchmark.   

Enrichment is an ever growing and flourishing element of the ‘hidden’ curriculum at the academy. Our staff and students are passionate about the activities offered during lunch times and after school hours. Enrichment clubs are run by both staff and student council members with activities in sports, drama, drama productions, music, peripatetic lessons, as well as a variety of extra-curricular clubs including chess and henna club. Further to this, enrichment within the curriculum is also prevalent throughout the curriculum areas with various themed days and educational visits taking place throughout the year. The arts are valued at Harborne Academy, therefore students in Years 7 and 8 are working towards their Bronze Arts Award. In order to develop this passion for enrichment and the arts, it is an aspiration of the academy to gain the Arts Mark. We are proud members of the Hippodrome Education Network and are committed to providing students with experiences through this link including regular theatre trips and live performances.   

If you would like more information about our curriculum, please contact:
Gregory Caines, Deputy Headteacher

@@HarborneAcademy12:15 PM - 24th March, 2025 Calling all years 7,8,9 and 10#competition
@@HarborneAcademy12:01 PM - 24th March, 2025 A fantastic piece of homework from one of our year 7 students! Well done, you have worked really hard.
@@HarborneAcademy11:59 AM - 24th March, 2025 Congratulations to Zephaniah!
@@HarborneAcademy11:56 AM - 24th March, 2025 Congratulations to the stars of the week!
@@HarborneAcademy11:54 AM - 24th March, 2025 This week’s theme of the week is kindness and politeness.
@@HarborneAcademy04:27 PM - 21st March, 2025 To see what’s been happening at the Academy, please read our weekly newsletter via the link below or from our website.Read more
@@HarborneAcademy10:46 AM - 21st March, 2025 Today, our year 9 students enjoyed a fantastic performance of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by .
@@HarborneAcademy10:30 AM - 21st March, 2025 Thank you to Andy from for the fascinating assembly. We have learnt so much about our water system and how we can contribute to keeping it running smoothly.
@@HarborneAcademy10:23 AM - 21st March, 2025 Thank you to Andy from for the fascinating assembly. We have learnt so much about our water system and how we can contribute to keeping it running smoothly.
@@The_CodeShow08:33 PM - 20th March, 2025 Thankyou for a fantastic day. It was a pleasure to spend the day with you all. With best wishes Gary 🇬🇧🕹👾
@@HarborneAcademy02:35 PM - 20th March, 2025 Today was PSHE day. The students were able to take part in a range of topics such as, First Aid, Unifrog, Revision Skills, Careers and Self Defence and self-Discipline. A massive thank you to our external providers!
@@HarborneAcademy02:17 PM - 20th March, 2025 Today our students enjoyed a fabulous workshop about the evolution of technology. A massive thank you to Gary for sharing the computing museum with us!
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