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GCSE Revision

We are launching our Year 11 Revision Challenge!

Each subject has provided a range of tasks for our students to complete weekly. We have broken it down into seven weeks to keep focussed prior to their exams in the summer term. The challenge is to attempt as many tasks as possible in their subjects to improve their knowledge and skills.

This is not an exhaustive list and is not intended to be the only revision each student does – it is a tool for the times when they don’t know where or how to start! It should be used in conjunction with their class notes, work on Microsoft Teams, revision guides, past papers, and their teachers’ advice. Students who need more guidance should speak to their teachers for personal support.

Please see the bottom of this page for a timetable detailing lunchtime and after-school intervention for GCSE revision starting in the Spring term.

Expand the drop-down menu below to see revision challenges for Year 11

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