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Mental Health


Maintaining Healthy Mental Health

Everyone has mental health, and it is normal to have ‘down’ or ‘bad’ days, but if this feeling is lasting for a prolonged time you may need to seek support.

It is important at all times, including when there is a change to your daily routine to look after your mental health.

When your mental health isn’t doing so well there is lots of self-help you can engage with:

  • Exercising, being in nature and natural light releases dopamine and serotine (the happy hormone) so whether it’s playing a sport outdoors or going for a walk can help boost your mood.
  • Eating regular, healthy meals is important for keeping our bodies healthy and maintaining healthy brain functioning, so when you eat better you feel better.
  • Regular sleeping pattern, our brains don’t function as well when we are tired, making everyday challenges harder to over come or think of simple solutions.
  • Talking – talking therapy is one of the first strategies professionals will recommend so start by talking to a trusted person (friend, family member or someone at school) about the things bothering you, pick someone who has a positive outlook or always looks for a solution.
  • Journalling/well-being action plans – writing down your thoughts and feelings to acknowledge what is bothering you and strategies to overcome those issues. It’s also important to note down all the things you’re grateful for and self-care techniques that make you feel better, i.e. having a bath, listening to music, reading and/or sports.

Wellbeing Journal for children | Charlie Waller Trust

Wellbeing Action Plan (young person) | Charlie Waller Trust

  • Reading leaflets/booklets, highlighting areas that apply to you and implement strategies suggested.

Microsoft Word - Mental wellbeing (2020) - Word version.docx (

Resources and Services

5 Steps to Well-being

In order to keep mentally healthy, the NHS recommend 5 steps to well-being;


Asking For Help

Asking for help:

All self-help resources are available in school and can be found in the library. They are free to take.

If you are still concerned about your well-being, please contact your designated pastoral team for further support and advice – phone lines are open 8.30am-3.30pm on 0121 464 2737. For safeguarding issues, you can also email

If you feel like you are having a mental health crisis, you can access help using one of the numbers below:


Positive Mental Health Habits

Mental Health Poster

Young Minds


Young Minds, “leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges”


Pause logo

A city centre mental health drop-in service based in Digbeth and run by The Children’s Society. Their website also includes a range of online self-help materials.

Pause Telephone 2020 Poster

The Waiting Room


Lots of resources produced by Birmingham and Solihull health and wellbeing services.



A range of breathing exercises, activities, games and videos to help you feel calmer.

Action for Happiness


Access ‘The Coping Calendar’ for strategies to look after ourselves and others during a crisis.​



The NHS website provides lots of advice relating to mental health and mindfulness.

@@HarborneAcademy04:27 PM - 21st March, 2025 To see what’s been happening at the Academy, please read our weekly newsletter via the link below or from our website.Read more
@@HarborneAcademy10:46 AM - 21st March, 2025 Today, our year 9 students enjoyed a fantastic performance of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by .
@@HarborneAcademy10:30 AM - 21st March, 2025 Thank you to Andy from for the fascinating assembly. We have learnt so much about our water system and how we can contribute to keeping it running smoothly.
@@HarborneAcademy10:23 AM - 21st March, 2025 Thank you to Andy from for the fascinating assembly. We have learnt so much about our water system and how we can contribute to keeping it running smoothly.
@@The_CodeShow08:33 PM - 20th March, 2025 Thankyou for a fantastic day. It was a pleasure to spend the day with you all. With best wishes Gary 🇬🇧🕹👾
@@HarborneAcademy02:35 PM - 20th March, 2025 Today was PSHE day. The students were able to take part in a range of topics such as, First Aid, Unifrog, Revision Skills, Careers and Self Defence and self-Discipline. A massive thank you to our external providers!
@@HarborneAcademy02:17 PM - 20th March, 2025 Today our students enjoyed a fabulous workshop about the evolution of technology. A massive thank you to Gary for sharing the computing museum with us!
@@HarborneAcademy11:49 AM - 20th March, 2025 We were delighted to welcome back Mark from to create mini robots with our students. ♻️#STEM
@@HarborneAcademy02:56 PM - 19th March, 2025 Thank you to Taionee and Emily from Smallpeice for an amazing HS2 workshop with our budding engineers in Year 7s. Incredible teamwork and creativity at work.
@@HarborneAcademy01:39 PM - 19th March, 2025 Last week, students enjoyed a trip to Birmingham Hippodrome to watch the amazing SIX!
@@tompalmerauthor12:38 PM - 19th March, 2025 Thanks for having me back. Your school inspires me too, for the record.
@@HarborneAcademy10:55 AM - 19th March, 2025 Thank you, Tom Palmer, for a fantastic afternoon on Friday with our Year 7 students. After enjoying reading your books, it was great for them to receive some inspiration in person!
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